LNER 56856 Gresley Open Third built 1938

LNER 56856 Gresley Open Third built 1938

LNER 56856 Gresley Open Third built 1938
LNER 56856 Gresley Open Third built 1938


Present Location North Yorkshire Moors
County Location North Yorkshire
Designed For LNER
Built by Metro Cammell
Diagram number 186
Type TO
First Number 56856
Later Numbers 13577, DE321108
Present Number 56856
Current Livery LNER - Teak
Gauge 4ft 8 1/2in
Wheel Arrangement 4-w bogies
Original Underframe Yes
Original Bogies/Wheelsets Yes
Additional Notes Medical Officer's Saloon. P 1981 by Resco (Railways) Ltd and stored probably at their Woolwich site from where it was purchased by LNERCA in 1988 and restored at Starbeck until 1990. Major rebuild, exterior and interior. Back into service 10/02. New "LNER" bucket seats - see second additional photo below.
Owner Private (LNER Coach Association Members)
External Structural Condition Very Good
Internal Structural Condition Very Good
Underframe Condition Very Good
External Finish Very Good
Internal Finish Very Good
Degree of External Originality Much replaced/reproduced material
Degree of Internal Originality Much replaced/reproduced material
Degree of Underframe/Running Gear Originality Some replaced/reproduced material
Degree of External Authenticity Very Good
Degree of Internal Authenticity Good
Degree of Underframe Authenticity Good
Rarity Several
Historical Importance Some Importance
Storage Secure Open
Operating Yes
Survey Date 12/04/2003
Surveyor Kevin Stroud
Photo Date 10/08/2022
Photo by Steve West
At Risk No
Date Record Last Updated 15/12/2022

Steve West 05/06/2012. Earlier view
Steve West 05/06/2012. Earlier view

Steve West 10/08/2022: interior view
Steve West 10/08/2022: interior view




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