BR 11072 Mk 3b Open First built 1985

BR 11072 Mk 3b Open First built 1985

BR 11072 Mk 3b Open First built 1985
BR 11072 Mk 3b Open First built 1985


Present Location Barry
County Location Vale of Glamorgan
Designed For BR
Build Location Derby
Built by BREL
Diagram number AD110
Lot number 30982
Type FO
First Number 11072
Current Livery black
Gauge 4ft 8 1/2in
Wheel Arrangement 4-w bogies
Original Underframe Yes
Original Bogies/Wheelsets Yes
Additional Notes By 08/20 to Goodsheds development, positioned on the far end of the running track at Hood Road station, Barry (regeneration venture WG/VoG Council). Interior completely gutted, 3 doorways cut through on access side and converted in several shopping units.
Owner Goodsheds Ltd
Grid Reference ST111674
External Structural Condition Good
Internal Structural Condition Good
Underframe Condition Good
External Finish Satisfactory
Internal Finish Satisfactory
Degree of External Originality Conversion/rebuild/reproduction
Degree of Internal Originality Conversion/rebuild/reproduction
Degree of Underframe/Running Gear Originality As built/last Passenger rebuild (BR or before)
Degree of External Authenticity Poor
Degree of Internal Authenticity None
Degree of Underframe Authenticity Good
Rarity Many
Historical Importance no Immediate Importance/Not Applicable
Storage Open
Operating No
Survey Date 27/08/2021
Surveyor Kevin Stroud
Photo Date 27/08/2021
Photo by Kevin Stroud
At Risk No
Date Record Last Updated 19/08/2023

Kevin Stroud 27/08/21 - view from access side
Kevin Stroud 27/08/21 - view from access side






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