GWR 241 Sleeper First (part body only) built 1896

GWR 241 Sleeper First (part body only) built 1896


Present Location West Somerset Railway
County Location Somerset
Designed For GWR
Build Location Swindon
Built by GWR
Diagram number J5
Lot number 787
Type SLF
First Number 241
Later Numbers 9037
Gauge 4ft 8 1/2in
Wheel Arrangement Body only
Original Bogies/Wheelsets No
Additional Notes Clerestory. Built for Paddington to Fishguard Service. W 1937. Built into house in Cornwall where whole of one side was later removed. 05/22: section rescued and moved to West Somerset Railway Williton carriage restoration site for preparation to be displayed alongside GWR 242 (qv) in future extension to Gauge Museum at Bishops Lydeard station to illustrate construction of late Victorian carriages.
Owner West Somerset Railway Heritage Trust
Rarity Few
Historical Importance Exceptionally Important
Storage Secure Building
Operating No
At Risk No
Date Record Last Updated 02/04/2023





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