GER 1357 Six-wheel 5 Compartment Third (underframe only) built 1892

GER 1357 Six-wheel 5 Compartment Third (underframe only) built 1892

GER 1357 Six-wheel 5 Compartment Third (underframe only) built 1892
GER 1357 Six-wheel 5 Compartment Third (underframe only) built 1892


Present Location Littleport
County Location Cambridgeshire
Designed For GER
Build Location Stratford
Built by GER
Diagram number 14600-421
Type TZ
First Number 1357
Gauge 4ft 8 1/2in
Wheel Arrangement Underframe only
Additional Notes Built 1892 to Letter Account R30; widened 28/09/1903; disposed of 19/9/1926. 06/23: owners confirmed that the body had been lived in originally then maintained empty until time took its toll and the body collapsed. They have salvaged parts (windows and glass were noted). Located at Wesleyan Farm, Littleport.
Owner Private
Grid Reference TL 60095 86245
External Structural Condition Not Applicable
Internal Structural Condition Not Applicable
External Finish Not Applicable
Internal Finish Not Applicable
Degree of External Originality Not Applicable
Degree of Internal Originality Not Applicable
Degree of External Authenticity Not Applicable
Degree of Internal Authenticity Not Applicable
Rarity n/a
Storage Secure Open
Operating No
Photo Date 24/06/2022
Photo by Roy Morris
At Risk Yes
Date Record Last Updated 08/08/2024




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