TVR 153 Four-wheel Five Compartment Third (body only) built 1874

TVR 153 Four-wheel Five Compartment Third (body only) built 1874

TVR 153 Four-wheel Five Compartment Third (body only) built 1874
TVR 153 Four-wheel Five Compartment Third (body only) built 1874


Present Location Gwili
County Location Carmarthenshire
Designed For TVR
Built by Metro Carriage Wagon
Type TY
First Number 153
Later Numbers 0153, 4012
Present Number 0153
Gauge 4ft 8 1/2in
Wheel Arrangement Body only
Original Underframe No
Original Bogies/Wheelsets No
Additional Notes W 25/12/1926. G as holiday bungalow at Hayling Island. Body P 1990 by Caerphilly Railway Society. Sold to VoG 1996, Stored Barry (old bus garage). To Skills Centre by 7/01 for restoration (not finished). Then in store till moved to Gwili 6/08. See also TVR 145. Now on plate wagon underframe. By 08/23: following merger of Caerphilly Railway Society, Gwili Vintage Carriage Group and Swansea Vale Railway, now owned by Welsh Railways Trust.
Owner Welsh Railways Trust
External Structural Condition Fair
Internal Structural Condition Derelict/Not Present
Underframe Condition Not Applicable
External Finish Poor and Incomplete
Degree of External Originality Some replaced/reproduced material
Degree of Internal Originality As built/last Passenger rebuild (BR or before)
Degree of Underframe/Running Gear Originality Not Applicable
Rarity Few
Historical Importance Very Important
Storage Secure Open
Operating No
Survey Date 24/02/2008
Surveyor Kevin Stroud
Photo Date 01/06/2008
Photo by Dewi Jones
At Risk No
Date Record Last Updated 04/09/2023




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