Lynton & Barnstaple 4 1st Observation/3rd Composite (part body only) built 1897

Lynton & Barnstaple 4 1st Observation/3rd Composite (part body only) built 1897

Lynton & Barnstaple 4 1st Observation/3rd Composite (part body only) built 1897
Lynton & Barnstaple 4 1st Observation/3rd Composite (part body only) built 1897


Present Location Colchester
County Location Essex
Designed For Lynton & Barnstaple
Built by Bristol Wagon and Carriage
Type C
First Number 4
Later Numbers SR 2474
Present Number None
Gauge 1ft 11 1/2in
Wheel Arrangement Body only
Original Underframe No
Original Bogies/Wheelsets No
Additional Notes Body recovered by Essex Support Group of L&BR from near Shirwell to storage at Thundersley. By 12/08 reduced to "kit of parts" at Great Yeldham, with many new components, ready to be rebuilt (or is it new build?) as a complete coach. Now located at private site near Colchester where restoration continues.
Owner Lynton & Barnstaple Railway
Rarity Few
Historical Importance Some Interest
Storage Secure Building
Operating No
Survey Date 29/08/2011
Surveyor Kevin Stroud
Photo Date 07/12/2008
Photo by John Bishop
At Risk No
Date Record Last Updated 20/07/2024





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