GER 541 Four-wheel 5 Compt. Suburban Second (body only) built 1899

GER 541 Four-wheel 5 Compt. Suburban Second (body only) built 1899

GER 541 Four-wheel 5 Compt. Suburban Second (body only) built 1899
GER 541 Four-wheel 5 Compt. Suburban Second (body only) built 1899


Present Location Catfield
County Location Norfolk
Designed For GER
Build Location Stratford
Built by GER
Diagram number 308
Lot number B46
Type SY
First Number 541
Later Numbers 6642
Present Number None
Gauge 4ft 8 1/2in
Wheel Arrangement Body only
Original Underframe No
Original Bogies/Wheelsets No
Additional Notes Built 10/1899. Disposed of by LNER 22/3/29, built into bungalow at Walcott, Norfolk. Cut into 4 pieces for removal from site early 2001. Re-assembled and now in use as Summer house at Littlewoods Farm, Happisburgh, Norfolk. 3 glass fibre doors fitted. Other examples are at Downham Market and on the North Norfolk Railway. 02/17: advised sold - and 05/18: confirmed that this vehicle has been sold and moved to private house near Catfield, Norfolk. NO PUBLIC ACCESS.
External Structural Condition Satisfactory
Internal Structural Condition Derelict/Not Present
Underframe Condition Not Applicable
External Finish Satisfactory
Internal Finish Derelict/Not Present
Degree of External Originality Some replaced/reproduced material
Degree of Internal Originality Not Applicable
Degree of Underframe/Running Gear Originality Not Applicable
Degree of External Authenticity Very Good
Degree of Internal Authenticity Not Applicable
Degree of Underframe Authenticity Not Applicable
Rarity Few
Historical Importance Some Importance
Operating No
Survey Date 08/05/2010
Surveyor Andrew Jenkins
Photo Date 27/06/2022
Photo by Roy Morris
At Risk No
Date Record Last Updated 13/07/2024

At Happisburgh 08/05/2010 - Andrew Jenkins
At Happisburgh 08/05/2010 - Andrew Jenkins





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