LMS 40254 Six-wheel Fish Van (body only) built 1949

LMS 40254 Six-wheel Fish Van (body only) built 1949

LMS 40254 Six-wheel Fish Van (body only) built 1949
LMS 40254 Six-wheel Fish Van (body only) built 1949


Present Location Bodfari
County Location Denbighshire
Designed For LMS
Build Location Wolverton
Built by BR
Diagram number 2115
Lot number 1445
Type FVZ
First Number 40254
Later Numbers M40254 (ADM40253)
Present Number ADM40254
Gauge 4ft 8 1/2in
Wheel Arrangement Body only
Original Underframe No
Original Bogies/Wheelsets No
Additional Notes P 2002 Denbigh and Mold Junction Railway site, then to local farmer. Condition deteriorating. On private land (no public access) but easily viewed from public footpath. Incorrectly carried 40253 externally - now rectified. 2021: sides and roof removed, ends collapsed onto floor, following Denbighshire County Council requirement for it to be removed by new owner of land.
Owner Private
Grid Reference SJ 104713
External Structural Condition Derelict/Not Present
Internal Structural Condition Derelict/Not Present
Underframe Condition Not Applicable
External Finish Derelict/Not Present
Internal Finish Derelict/Not Present
Degree of External Originality Derelict/Not Present
Degree of Internal Originality Derelict/Not Present
Degree of Underframe/Running Gear Originality Not Applicable
Degree of External Authenticity Not Applicable
Degree of Internal Authenticity Not Applicable
Degree of Underframe Authenticity Not Applicable
Rarity Several
Historical Importance no Immediate Importance/Not Applicable
Storage Open
Operating No
Survey Date 12/10/2003
Surveyor Kevin Stroud
Photo Date 01/11/2007
At Risk Yes
Date Record Last Updated 01/07/2024

Richard Thornton 27/06/2024
Richard Thornton 27/06/2024

01/11/2007: earlier condition
01/11/2007: earlier condition




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