BR 87910 Blue Spot Four wheel Fish Van (body only) built 1959

BR 87910 Blue Spot Four wheel Fish Van (body only) built 1959

BR 87910 Blue Spot Four wheel Fish Van (body only) built 1959
BR 87910 Blue Spot Four wheel Fish Van (body only) built 1959


Present Location Toton
County Location Nottinghamshire
Designed For BR
Build Location Faverdale
Built by BR
Diagram number 801
Lot number 30384
Type FVY
First Number 87910
Later Numbers ADB975423 ZRV041989
Present Number None
Gauge 4ft 8 1/2in
Wheel Arrangement Body only
Original Bogies/Wheelsets No
Additional Notes NOT PRESERVED. At Toton Training Compound. Photo Bryan Dawes courtesy of DPTnet: 10/22: confirmed still at Toton Traction Maintenance Depot.
Rarity Many
Historical Importance no Immediate Importance/Not Applicable
Storage Secure Open
Operating No
Photo Date 01/06/2004
Photo by Dawes
At Risk No
Date Record Last Updated 02/11/2022





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