BR 60810 Class 205 DEMU: Driving Trailer built 1957

BR 60810 Class 205 DEMU: Driving Trailer built 1957

BR 60810 Class 205 DEMU: Driving Trailer built 1957
BR 60810 Class 205 DEMU: Driving Trailer built 1957


Present Location Epping Ongar Railway
County Location Essex
Designed For BR
Build Location Eastleigh
Built by BR
Lot number 30333
Type DTC
First Number 60810
Later Numbers S60810
Present Number None
Current Livery BR Network South East
Gauge 4ft 8 1/2in
Wheel Arrangement 4-w bogies
Additional Notes Refurbished "Hampshire" DEMU Driving Composite Trailer. Ashford/Eastleigh. With 60110 (qv) formed Unit no. 1111; renumbered as 205 101 in 1986, then 205 205 in 1995. Was the only diesel electric unit involved in diesel multiple unit refurbishment at Swindon: glass fibre panels, bus seats, fluorescent lighting, public address and inter-car gangways. Bus seats later replaced. Both cars P and to NYMR late 2004. By 11/09: to Epping Ongar Railway. 06/24: off-site from EOR - confirmation of current location would be welcome.
Owner Epping Ongar Railway
External Structural Condition Good
Internal Structural Condition Good
Underframe Condition Good
External Finish Good
Internal Finish Good
Degree of External Originality As built/last Passenger rebuild (BR or before)
Degree of Internal Originality As built/last Passenger rebuild (BR or before)
Degree of Underframe/Running Gear Originality As built/last Passenger rebuild (BR or before)
Degree of External Authenticity Good
Degree of Internal Authenticity Good
Degree of Underframe Authenticity Good
Rarity Several
Historical Importance Some Interest
Storage Secure Open
Operating Yes
Survey Date 21/03/2013
Surveyor David Wigley
Photo Date 10/11/2013
Photo by Steve West
At Risk No
Date Record Last Updated 31/07/2024

Previous condition 09/06/2012
Previous condition 09/06/2012





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