SR 3690 Maunsell Hastings Line Brake Third Corridor built 1931

SR 3690 Maunsell Hastings Line Brake Third Corridor built 1931

SR 3690 Maunsell Hastings Line Brake Third Corridor built 1931
SR 3690 Maunsell Hastings Line Brake Third Corridor built 1931


Present Location Robertsbridge
County Location East Sussex
Designed For SR
Build Location Eastleigh
Diagram number 2105
Lot number 498
Type BTK
First Number 3690
Later Numbers ADS70163
Gauge 4ft 8 1/2in
Wheel Arrangement 4-w bogies
Original Underframe Yes
Original Bogies/Wheelsets Yes
Additional Notes 'Hastings' gauge. SR Control Train until 1980. P 1988 at Great Central Railway. 1991: to Tunbridge Wells and Eridge Railway Preservation Society. No interior. From Spa Valley to Rother Valley Railway at Robertsbridge, initially as donor, but resold and being restored - initially brake plus one compartment, rest as open saloon/exhibition space.
External Structural Condition Fair
Internal Structural Condition Derelict/Not Present
Underframe Condition Very Good
External Finish Fair
Degree of External Originality As left Departmental service
Degree of Internal Originality As left Departmental service
Degree of Underframe/Running Gear Originality As left Departmental service
Degree of External Authenticity Fair
Degree of Internal Authenticity None
Degree of Underframe Authenticity Very Good
Rarity Few
Historical Importance Some Interest
Storage Secure Open
Operating No
Survey Date 27/07/2004
Surveyor David Wigley
Photo Date 02/08/2015
Photo by Steve West
At Risk No
Date Record Last Updated 19/04/2022

Brian Stanley 02/03/2007 Earlier condition
Brian Stanley 02/03/2007 Earlier condition




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