BR 70345 Class 411 4-CEP EMU Trailer Composite Corridor built 1959

BR 70345 Class 411 4-CEP EMU Trailer Composite Corridor built 1959

BR 70345 Class 411 4-CEP EMU Trailer Composite Corridor built 1959
BR 70345 Class 411 4-CEP EMU Trailer Composite Corridor built 1959


Present Location Sutton Bridge
County Location Lincolnshire
Designed For BR
Build Location Eastleigh
Built by BR
Lot number 30456
Type TCK
First Number 70345
Present Number 70345
Gauge 4ft 8 1/2in
Wheel Arrangement 4-w bogies
Original Underframe Yes
Original Bogies/Wheelsets Yes
Additional Notes Eastleigh built TCK for 4-CEP Unit 7153 which was prototype refurbished unit (later TBCK in Unit 1500). At Coventry until sold after 03/06 and to Hydraulic House, Sutton Bridge, Cambridgeshire.
Rarity n/a
Storage Secure Open
Operating No
Photo Date 05/05/2017
Photo by Alan Tagg
At Risk No
Date Record Last Updated 14/06/2023

21/09/2006 Byron Chamberlain
21/09/2006 Byron Chamberlain





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