GSWR 731 Third Corridor built 1914

GSWR 731 Third Corridor built 1914

GSWR 731 Third Corridor built 1914
GSWR 731 Third Corridor built 1914


Present Location Boness
County Location Falkirk
Designed For GSWR
Built by BRCW
Diagram number 42
Type TK
First Number 731
Later Numbers 8205
Gauge 4ft 8 1/2in
Wheel Arrangement 4-w bogies
Original Underframe Yes
Original Bogies/Wheelsets Yes
Additional Notes W 1954. P 1969 from RNAD Bandeath: Falkirk until 12/87. Last surviving Glasgow and South Western Railway passenger carrying vehicle (see also BZ 122). Fox pressed steel bogies. Seven compartment interior 90% original. Many missing components now located, including brake equipment. 12/19: restoration has now commenced in earnest: present efforts are concentrated on repairing crash damage at east end and on conserving original 1914 interior. By 11/20: framing on corridor side has now been rebuilt, with all original GSWR material conserved as required by the Museum Trust; vehicle has been repanelled in Class A marine ply, with similar retention of last remaining GSWR mahogany panelling; fitting of mouldings on this side has now begun, and reinstatement of the paint system has also started. By 03/23: Corridor side completed with all mouldings and beading manufactured and fitted; compartment side reconstructed during 2021 and 2022 with several sections being rebuilt with all new hardwood framing; panelling of this side was then undertaken and new mouldings manufactured and fitted; this side is now complete as is No 2 end. 07/24: crash damage to No 1 end has been largely repaired: a new cill has been machined and fitted and a new oak headstock has been fitted together with the drawhook and the buffing gear; this completes the extensive repair and refurbishment of the underframe and body framework; panelling of this end is anticipated shortly.
Owner Scottish Railway Museum Trust
External Structural Condition Poor but Substantially Complete
Internal Structural Condition Poor but Substantially Complete
Underframe Condition Fair
External Finish Derelict/Not Present
Internal Finish Derelict/Not Present
Degree of External Originality As built/last Passenger rebuild (BR or before)
Degree of Internal Originality As built/last Passenger rebuild (BR or before)
Degree of Underframe/Running Gear Originality As built/last Passenger rebuild (BR or before)
Degree of External Authenticity Good
Degree of Internal Authenticity Good
Degree of Underframe Authenticity Good
Rarity Unique
Historical Importance Exceptionally Important
Storage Secure Building
Operating No
Survey Date 25/07/2006
Surveyor Alastair McPhee
Photo Date 07/07/2022
Photo by Alastair McPhee
At Risk No
Date Record Last Updated 31/07/2024

Steve West 19/05/2012: earlier condition - other side
Steve West 19/05/2012: earlier condition - other side

Alastair McPhee 07/07/2022: see Notes above
Alastair McPhee 07/07/2022: see Notes above

Alastair McPhee 11/07/2024: see Notes above
Alastair McPhee 11/07/2024: see Notes above




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