BR 50338 Class 101/1 DMU: Driving Motor Composite built 1958

BR 50338 Class 101/1 DMU: Driving Motor Composite built 1958

BR 50338 Class 101/1 DMU: Driving Motor Composite built 1958
BR 50338 Class 101/1 DMU: Driving Motor Composite built 1958


Present Location Plym Valley Railway
County Location Plymouth
Designed For BR
Built by Metro Cammell
Diagram number DP210
Lot number 30276
First Number 50338
Later Numbers 53338 977694
Current Livery BR multiple unit green livery
Gauge 4ft 8 1/2in
Wheel Arrangement 4-w bogies
Additional Notes With 50222 (qv) was latterly Laboratory Unit 19 "Iris 2". The two to West Somerset Railway 03/08 for use by the Permanent Way Department, and then to Barry Tourist Railway by 09/09. 08/22: offered for sale. By 04/23: moved from Barry Tourist Railway to Plym Valley Railway.
Rarity Several
Historical Importance no Immediate Importance/Not Applicable
Storage Secure Open
Photo Date 01/06/2009
Photo by Aaron Browning
At Risk No
Date Record Last Updated 22/06/2023




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