GER Six-wheel Luggage Composite (body only)

GER Six-wheel Luggage Composite (body only)

GER Six-wheel Luggage Composite (body only)
GER Six-wheel Luggage Composite (body only)


Present Location UNKNOWN
Designed For GER
Build Location Stratford
Built by GER
Diagram number 219
Type CZ
Present Number None
Gauge 4ft 8 1/2in
Wheel Arrangement Body only
Original Underframe Yes
Original Bogies/Wheelsets No
Additional Notes One of two Luggage Composites making up bungalow "Darley Dale" in South Wootton, near Kings Lynn. Reported 11/14 for sale by auction 12/12/14 (Duke's Head, Kings Lynn). Site likely to be redeveloped, so both coach bodies now very much "at risk". On-site examination 03/15 reported 03/15 suggests one to be a 1st/3rd Composite with a central luggage section - no internal partitions but with central double doors. The other reported also as a 1st/3rd Composite but as a lavatory vehicle - partitions largely intact and floor markings and window arrangement clearly indicate the positions of the lavatories. 09/18: property sealed up with a builder's board on fence - 'at risk' status confirmed. 06/23: the site at South Wootton has now been redeveloped - information on the new location or fate of the two bodies would be welcomed.
Owner Private
External Structural Condition Good
Underframe Condition Satisfactory
External Finish Good
Degree of External Originality As built/last Passenger rebuild (BR or before)
Degree of Underframe/Running Gear Originality As built/last Passenger rebuild (BR or before)
Degree of External Authenticity Good
Degree of Underframe Authenticity Good
Rarity Few
Historical Importance Some Interest
Operating No
Survey Date 18/04/2009
Surveyor Andrew Jenkins
Photo Date 18/04/2009
Photo by Andrew Jenkins
At Risk Yes
Date Record Last Updated 27/06/2023

Ken Hartley 18/09/2018: later view showing arrangement of both bodies
Ken Hartley 18/09/2018: later view showing arrangement of both bodies

Ken Hartley 18/09/2018: another view
Ken Hartley 18/09/2018: another view






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