MR 1250 Non-corridor elliptical roof Brake Third built 1921

MR 1250 Non-corridor elliptical roof Brake Third built 1921

MR 1250 Non-corridor elliptical roof Brake Third built 1921
MR 1250 Non-corridor elliptical roof Brake Third built 1921


Present Location Midland Railway Centre
County Location Derbyshire
Designed For MR
Build Location Derby
Diagram number 1246
Lot number 884
Type BT
First Number 1250
Later Numbers 23293, DM395525
Present Number None
Gauge 4ft 8 1/2in
Wheel Arrangement 4-w bogies
Original Underframe Yes
Original Bogies/Wheelsets Yes
Additional Notes Bain elliptical roof. Withdrawn 1958, became mobile Test Laboratory. 54' Donated by Friends of Derby Museum. Had Guard's compt as built. Has been used by EM Gauge (model railway) Society. Stored at Butterley Goods Dock: MRC advise is unlikely to be retained. 03/17: now sheeted - see additional photo below. 09/21: confirmed still at Midland Railway Centre (sheeted at Swanwick Junction).
Owner Midland Railway Trust
External Structural Condition Poor but Substantially Complete
Internal Structural Condition Poor and Incomplete
Underframe Condition Satisfactory
External Finish Poor but Substantially Complete
Degree of External Originality As left Departmental service
Degree of Internal Originality Not Applicable
Degree of Underframe/Running Gear Originality As left Departmental service
Degree of External Authenticity Fair
Degree of Internal Authenticity None
Degree of Underframe Authenticity Poor
Rarity Unique
Historical Importance Some Importance
Storage Secure Open
Operating No
Survey Date 27/08/2006
Surveyor Kevin Stroud
Photo Date 31/08/2011
Photo by Steve West
At Risk Yes
Date Record Last Updated 15/12/2021

Steve West 19/03/2017. See Notes above
Steve West 19/03/2017. See Notes above




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