BR 9497 Mk 2e Brake Open Second built 1972

BR 9497 Mk 2e Brake Open Second built 1972

BR 9497 Mk 2e Brake Open Second built 1972
BR 9497 Mk 2e Brake Open Second built 1972


Present Location Great Yarmouth
County Location Norfolk
Designed For BR
Build Location Derby
Built by BR
Lot number 30838
Type BSO
First Number 9497
Later Numbers M9497
Present Number 9497
Current Livery BR InterCity
Gauge 4ft 8 1/2in
Wheel Arrangement 4-w bogies
Original Underframe Yes
Original Bogies/Wheelsets Yes
Additional Notes At Willesden: purchased by 03/12 by Northumbria Rail for use at the Waverley Route's site at Whitrope Summit. However, by arrangement went to Mid Norfolk Railway, with in return 9538 to Whitrope (rather than to Mid Norfolk). With others after clean/de-grime to Weardale 11/12 for Christmas "Polar Express" operations. Back to Mid Norfolk by 03/13. Again with others to Weardale 11/13 for same reason. At Mid Norfolk 07/15. By 10/16: again at Weardale. 05/17: to Severn Valley Railway for Diesel Gala, then from 06/17 at Midland Railway Centre, Butterley. 08/17: to Weardale Railway. 31/1/23: sold to Eastern Rail Services, Great Yarmouth Vauxhall sidings site.
Owner Eastern Rail Services
External Structural Condition Good
Internal Structural Condition Good
Underframe Condition Good
External Finish Good
Internal Finish Good
Degree of External Originality As built/last Passenger rebuild (BR or before)
Degree of Internal Originality As built/last Passenger rebuild (BR or before)
Degree of Underframe/Running Gear Originality As built/last Passenger rebuild (BR or before)
Degree of External Authenticity Good
Degree of Internal Authenticity Good
Degree of Underframe Authenticity Good
Rarity Several
Historical Importance Some Interest
Storage Secure Open
Operating Yes
Survey Date 16/07/2015
Surveyor David Wigley
Photo Date 16/10/2016
Photo by Steve West
At Risk No
Date Record Last Updated 19/08/2023

Chris Simpson photo 4/2/13
Chris Simpson photo 4/2/13




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